The pursuit of the best configuration of factors to provide the most pure and true representation of Amatsu and the delivery of such through a course has been and remains the passionate objective of Daghda Synergy.
The expectation of the highest standard, a standard not available in any other course globally is our primary objective. As such Daghda Synergy has a collaboration of individual teachers who come together to propagate this level.
Course Application Download Brochure
The Daghda Synergy has Seán Beakey and David McCarthy at the helm with guest presentations from Dennis Bartram the western father of Amatsu. Thankfully you and Amatsu as a therapy will be the beneficiary of this.
This course is composed of 4 levels – the only course leading to Amatsu Orthopath status.
- On the successful completion of the Seitai level the Seitai Amatsu Practitioner may begin their professional practice.
- The Master Amatsu Practitioner award is granted on successful completion of the 4 levels.
- The Amatsu Orthopath award is granted on completion of the 4 levels under licence from the ATA/AOA renewable each year.
ANMA – Stage 1
Anma is the first year of study for an Amatsu therapy qualification and it can be interpreted as the ‘massage’ level as it encompasses the application of natural movement principles on soft tissue structures, with the primary focus being on the musculature system.
The Commitment
To Anma Practitioner
- 8 Weekends of direct learning
- 1 Weekend of examinations
- 10+ Hours per week of study & peer study group practice
- Submission of case study logs, homework, project
SEITAI – Stage 2
The Seitai level of study incorporates the same principles and fundamentals as Anma but with the technique application now primarily focused on the ligamentous system. Ligaments act as a support and movement suspension system for the stability of joint and bone movement.
Injury or illness alters the pulls on muscles and ligaments around these joint structures. Seitai works to balance, realign and integrate joint movement, which will aid the integration of all of the body’s systems to help to re-balance and realign the key mechanical and energetic structures (eg: the spine, bones, joints, meridian circuits and cranium).
This will promote healing whilst effecting change in the musculo skeletal system and improving the client’s general well-being, as well as acting as a boost to the homeostasis (immune system) and the body’s balancing sense known as proprioception.
The Commitment
To Amatsu Practitioner
- 7 Weekends of direct learning
- 1 Weekend of examinations
- 10+ Hours per week of study & peer study group practice
- Submission of case study logs, homework, project
SHINDEN – Stage 3
The focus of study in Shinden (the heart feeling in Amatsu treatments) is to alter the pulls in the fascial tissues that surround and support our vital organs. Many organs are held in position by a negative suction reinforced by a tough tissue called fascia.
As organs function they need to alter their space with surrounding organs e.g. the lungs filling and emptying. This delicate and subtle movement is finely balanced within our body’s other structures. Injury, illness, and incorrect posture can lead to biased pulls on the fascial tissue surrounding the organs which can, in turn, lead to organic changes and eventually degenerate to disease in some cases.
Shinden Jutsu works to address these imbalances to bring about the freedom of movement and integration of organ structure and function.
The Commitment
To Senior Practitioner
- 6 X 2 day blocks – weekends (Ireland)
- 1 X 4 day block – fri to mon (UK – with dennis bartram)
- Examination and assessment from dennis bartram
- Submission of case study logs
KENKU – Stage 4
The head (cranium) is the governing centre for many of the body’s vital systems such as respiratory and breathing, blood pressure, blood sugar, digestion, hormones. In addition, amazingly around 90 per cent of the nervous system is under the control of the brain.
The cranial bones move in a gentle, synchronised way to accommodate the expansion and return of the brain’s fluid system. This fluid system stretches from the head to the pelvis nourishing our organs and balancing nerve activity. Trauma to this mechanism can result in a variety of physical ill health symptoms.
This fragile and complex system can also be affected by birth trauma, blows to the head, dental occlusion problems and even stress. Kenku helps to balance, regulate and maintain this vital system to complement the other levels of Amatsu.
The Amatsu Orthopath Title is offered post assessment by the ATA/AOA (Amatsu Therapy Association/Amatsu Orthopath Association) – Externally verified by National Register with the GRCCT and Registered by TM to the ATA/AOA.
The Commitment
To Master Practitioner – Amatsu Orthopath (licenced)
- 6 X 2 day blocks – weekends (Ireland)
- 1 X 4 day block – fri to mon (UK – with Dennis Bartram)
- Examination and assessment from Dennis Bartram
- Submission of case study logs
The Assessments
Pre Study – material to be learned prior to each class which will be quiz tested
Homework – research to be conducted in a timeframe after each class
Case Study – logged treatments to be submitted for inspection at predetermined times
Summer Log – logged revision and practice over direct learning recess.
Annual Submitted Project – presentation or submission on a topic chosen by tutor
The Examination
Each year is concluded with 3 examinations
- Amatsu Theory (Written) 3 hours
- Anatomy & Physiology (Written) 3 hours
- Amatsu Practical 2 Treatment Demonstration
Course Application & Fees
Course Investment €3,950 – PER YEAR
Online Transfer Preferred
Full course fees are required so you may to take your place in the final examinations.
Payment Options – note a financial contract will be required on any financial option other than full payment on successful application.